Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Love Lost!

I know there are many blogs solely devoted to LOST, so I'm not going to give you a recap of the show or anything. I'm just going to tell you my reaction of the show last night because I took note and laughed at myself. Here you go...

...Eyes wide...
"What the heck?"
...Eyes wider....
"What the heck?"
"Oh my gosh!"
"What the heck?"
"Oh my gosh!"
"Oh my GOSH!"
"What the heck?"
"Oh my gosh!"
"Oh my.......gosh!"

I'm just going to publicly admit that I am officially a NERD, if you didn't already know. I'm a LOST fan, actually "Lostie" is the correct term.

My husband doesn't like it. He can't stay awake as late as it's on and doesn't like all the puzzles and the flashing forward, backward and sideways. He just doesn't know what he's missing.

1 comment:

Angela said...

My husband is obsessed with this show. Really, obsessed. He always has to watch last weeks episode again directly before he watches the new episode. He reads the blogs online that are devoted to the show and he'll stay up WAY too late watching it. Actually, our DVR is almost full because he has taped every episode from this season and he doesn't want to delete them yet.
I like the show also but, I just haven't been able to watch all the shows. I'm sure it's going to have a crazy ending!


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